International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Brief Review of Land Surveys of Iran, by Descriptive and Inferential Analysis of Provincial Development Quality

Open access
In today’s word which its complexity is increasing day by day, having enough acquaintance of different areas causes informed and functional intervention and enhancements. To identify development and the lack of it in different regions, we need to evaluate the zonal disparities pattern and the difference between the regions, and assess the superiority of a location in compare of structural-similar places in the city. The aim of the essay is to deploy the mechanism of equal opportunities, and to achieve the level of provincial inequalities in the country through the investigated indicators. The research method is “descriptive and analytical”, which quantitative modals are used to determine the development degree of Iran’s provinces. 34 urban development indicators have been chosen, and by using factor analysis these indicators have been studied, which have been classified in 4 significant factors, and the provincial rankings are based on these 4 items. Also by using cluster analysis homogeneous states are set alongside each other and have the same level. The provinces are classified in 3 homogeneous clusters, deprived (level 3) (under developed), average development (level 2) (among development), and extended (level 1) (high developed).