International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinants of Online Repatronage Intention: A Conceptual Model

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As of now, 10 million Malaysian are estimated as active purchasers who conduct transactions through online platform. Similar with physical retailing market, customer retention issue is very crucial to be emphasized by the online retailer to ensure their sustainability in intense and challenging digital economy market. Previous studies on online purchasing behavior mostly focusing on the initial stage of customer’s online purchase intention and customer’s online continuance or repurchase intention. Nonetheless, the study focusing on online repatronage intention (ORI) still received less attention by the researchers. Thus, this study attempts to develop a conceptual model by integrating the TAM and E-SERVQUAL model to investigate the determinants of ORI. In the proposed model, TAM play a role to determine the influence of online system usage experience towards ORI. Whilst, the adaptation of E-SERVQUAL model is to identify the influence of online system purchase experience towards ORI. Additionally, seven propositions are developed based on the proposed model and reviews of the literature. Finally, conclusions, managerial implications, and future direction of research are also provided.
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In-Text Citation: (Som, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Som, A. T. B. M. (2020). Determinants of Online Repatronage Intention: A Conceptual Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(3), 521–532.