International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Selecting an Optimal Resource Allocation Model to Consumptions in Banks of Iran

Open access
The aim of this research is find a model for optimal resource allocation in Banks of iran. So in this study we want to present a mathematical model based on the linear programming models to find the best combination of facilities of resources. For case study in Among the Iranian banks we select The maskan bank. At first look, the banks take action in two fields: one is mobilization of financial resources and the other is resource allocation. Allocation encounters some limitations which affect the model, for example there should be balance between resources and expenditures and the expenditures should not be more than resources, also relative contribution of the sectors should be respected. Here, banks considering credit risk of customers should enforce their facility demands because the loan portfolio management problems, has been the main factor of bank bankruptcy. In the model, facilities are considered as six variables. Using LINDO software can solve the model. At first we have determined the target and then specified the limitations of model and finally wrote the Model. The results of the model were obtained in two forms: with and without into account the resources of Javanan maskan savings fund. The findings showed if mathematical model had been used in the year, the more revenue of facilities was obtained.