International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Enhancing the Competency of School Counsellors in Clinical Mental Health Counselling

Open access

Samsiah Mohd Jais, Mohammad Nasir Bistamam, Norazam Abdullah, Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arif, Siti Farhana Che Ismail, Nurul Hasyimah Mat Rani

Pages 378-391 Received: 23 Dec, 2019 Revised: 19 Jan, 2020 Published Online: 09 Feb, 2020
The issue of mental illness in Malaysia that has markedly increased as more individual seeks treatment for mental health issues ranging from mild mental disorders to severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Concerns of mental health problems for children and adolescents who are still attending school have also been voiced by the Johor State Council of Counsellors and the District Education Office (Johor) because there are no counsellor education institutions in Malaysia offering specialized mental health counselling training so far. Recently, Clinical Mental Health Counselling (CMHC) module developed by researchers at Sultan Idris Education University has proven to have good validity and reliability through research. As such, the District Education Office of Johor has recommended that clinical mental health counselling be provided to school counsellors to improve the efficiency of mental health counselling practices in schools. In this paper the findings of training workshop conducted at various schools in Johor will be reported with i) Stage One, which includes conducting a training and transfer of knowledge and skills to Graduate Intern (GI) in two aspects namely the understanding of CMHC module and the operation of the module; and ii) Stage Two, which includes the implementation of CMHC module training program, where GI with the supervision and guidance of the Academia implemented the CMHC training program among participants consisting of 50 school counsellors within Johor district. The content of training involves three modules: i. healthcare workshop lifelong mental health, ii. workshops and training on DSM-5 and psychopharmacology and iii. workshops and training on clinical mental health counselling, personal care as well as legal and ethical issues in mental health.
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In-Text Citation: (Jais et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Jais, S. M., Bistamam, M. N., Abdullah, N., Arif, M. A. S. M., Ismail, S. F. C., & Rani, N. H. M. (2020). Enhancing the Competency of School Counsellors in Clinical Mental Health Counselling. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(1), 378–391.