International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Expert User Education: Redefining Role of Design and Designers of IR 4.0 in Rehabilitation Setting

Open access
Interdisciplinary is a huge innovation in education. It sets a wide perspective of knowledge boundaries with different background of expertise in order to achieve better outcome and social impact. Innovation in the other way closely related to creative mind as being portray as design thinking. A cross-field research has being conducted between occupational therapist (expert-user) and designer due to innovation activities occurs in the rehabilitation setting. Increasing creation on assistive technology (AT) for patients grows in numbers but unfortunately issues of low rate of usage being highlighted. What went wrong to those creation? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effective design practice that suits need of interdisciplinary for design intervention in rehabilitation setting. In design education, several approach being applied by the designers to help the non-designer to innovate products in their field such as co-creation. Hence, a total of selected studies from design and innovation journal between year 2010 until 2018 being reviewed using Mendeley to analyse the difference design activities involved. Upon findings, attributes for interdisciplinary for design education for expert-user are including types of user, experience and technology factors. Recommendation for further research in design method for interdisciplinary collaboration for expert-user is perceived to bring better creation by future Design Innovation Catalyst (DIC) where they can adopt design intervention in their field for effective problem solving; either in design or non-design activities. The important of these findings for design interdisciplinary are discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, N. B. M., Effendi, Y. R. A. B. Y. R., & Ramli, S. H. Bin. (2019). Expert User Education: Redefining Role of Design and Designers of IR 4.0 in Rehabilitation Setting. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(13), 348–357.