International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Risk Communication Framework towards High-Performance Food Supply Chain

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The rapid growth in world population implies that a high-performance food supply chain need to be developed to avoid food crises. Past research were conducted to investigate various strategies to increase supply chain performance but studies on risk communication are scant. Therefore, this research aims to develop a risk communication framework for high performance food supply chain by exploring best practices in risk communication among food supply chain members and its influence on supply chain performance. A qualitative methodology where semi-structured interview and observation will be conducted among food supply chain members in Perak. The sample will be selected based on purposive sampling technique and the data will be analyzed by using thematic analysis. The proposed risk communication framework for food supply chain will be validated by participants of the research to established research credibility.
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In-Text Citation: (Hudin et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hudin, N. S., Habidin, N. F., Salleh, M. I., & Othman, J. (2019). Risk Communication Framework towards High-Performance Food Supply Chain. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 820–834.