International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effects of Writing Kit Innovation on ESL Learners’ Sentence Construction

Open access
English as a Second Language (ESL) learners often face problem to construct grammatically correct sentences. In the Malaysian context, writing is a crucial skill to master even at the primary education level as pupils’ writing is tested in Primary School Evaluation Test, a national examination at the end of Year 6 of their studies. English Paper 2 is dedicated on writing assessment. Therefore, this quantitative study employed a pre-test-post-test quasi - experimental design to measure the effects that a Writing Kit has on sentence construction skills among two classes of Year 4 pupils (age 10) at a government-funded school in the state of Malacca, Malaysia. The experimental group participants were exposed to the Writing Kit to help them construct simple sentences using the structure of Subject-Verb-Object-Preposition that adheres to the Subject-Verb Agreement (SVA) structure. The data collected for this research were analysed using pre test and post test . Data for this research was then analyzed using statistical methods. The data analysis determined that the Writing Kit had significant effect on pupils’s ability to construct simple sentences. This study suggests that the use of Writing Kit is effective to help pupils construct grammatically correct simple sentences.
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In-Text Citation: (May, & Said, 2019)
To Cite this Article: May, T. M., & Said, N. E. M. (2019). Effects of Writing Kit Innovation on ESL Learners’ Sentence Construction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 274–283.