International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Systematic Review: Competency Level of Teachers in the Implementation of the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in the Teaching and Learning of Science

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Effective teaching and learning require pedagogical impact which can give benefit especially in science education. The Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is an ability to learn something relating to an individual which has similarities to us while being from another culture. In relation to that, there are a lot of literature researches which look at the competency level of teachers in the implementation of the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy that involves student preparedness, teacher preparedness, receiving of equal opportunities and a student-centred education. Therefore, there is one important part in the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy curriculum which is based on orders and the environment. Science education can help teachers to be more creative and innovative as well as making teaching based on cultural response a tool to improve teacher competency. A scientific research was used to collect evidences from past researches which are related to the culturally responsive pedagogy from articles, theses, journals and proceedings using ERIC, Scopus, Science Direct and SAGE. There are 10 articles identified as having relations to the objective and criteria of the research. Findings show that the competency level of teachers in the implementation of the culturally responsive pedagogy as being the main issue in helping improve the quality of education especially in the process of teaching and learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Dinol, & Nasri, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Dinol, H., & Nasri, N. M. (2019). Systematic Review: Competency Level of Teachers in the Implementation of the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in the Teaching and Learning of Science. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 207–223.