International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Children and Youth Leadership for Raising Awareness, Empowerment, Active Citizenship, and Wellbeing

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The purpose of this study is to explore children and youth leadership through the case study of World Vision Albania as an illustration or representative of different generations of non-governmental organizations in the matter. More specifically, it considers the contribution of creating a space and opportunity to youth leadership development by raising the leadership awareness within youth potential, the meaning and understanding that children/youth have in terms of leadership and how leadership in children/youth connects to empowerment, active citizenship and wellbeing. The study explores the impact of the variety and diversity of World Vision Albania as a non-governmental organization with regards to working with children and youth for nurturing their leadership potential with the purpose of transforming them into active citizens. Likewise, this research explores employees’ perceptions in terms of leadership style while working with children. Methodologically, the case study approach is used in combination with questionnaires and Key Informant Interviews. Thus, for investigating the research questions through a case study method, this paper uses a combination of quantitative structured interviews with qualitative in-depth interviews. Findings show that most of youth do not consider leadership simply as a goal per se, but also as a mean for being active citizens. They see their own empowerment relevant not only for personal wellbeing but also for the wellbeing of others.
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In-Text Citation: (Hysa, Bilotta, Biqiku, & Calabrese, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hysa, X., Bilotta, A., Biqiku, A., & Calabrese, M. (2019). Children and youth leadership for raising awareness, empowerment, active citizenship, and wellbeing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 1128–1147.