International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Multiracial Staff Engaged in Industrial Firms of Islamabad, Pakistan

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Intercultural knowledge sharing should be more valuable than knowledge sharing in a more homogenous group. Employees recruited from different parts of the world have different perspectives and possess different knowledge resources. The assurance that valid information can flow freely between co-workers is critical for a successful operation in an organization. Conversely, lack of trust among co-workers may seriously hamper sharing of important information, potentially damaging the effectiveness of business processes. This study checked the effect of cultural diversity management on knowledge sharing behavior of multiracial employees working in 4 industrial firms of Islamabad, Pakistan. Moreover interpersonal trust among employees was considered as mediator between relationship of cultural diversity management and knowledge sharing behavior. Convenient sampling technique was applied with a sample size of 256 respondents, whereas, thirty one likert-type questions were used to collect responses with ? = 0.853. The results demonstrate that cultural diversity management has a significant positive effect on employee knowledge sharing. In addition, interpersonal trust partially mediated the relationship between cultural diversity management and knowledge sharing. There were significant managerial implications which were briefly described in last part of the study.
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In-Text Citation: (Raza, Chaudhry, & Awang, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Raza, I., Chaudhry, A. R., Awang, Z. (2019). Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Multiracial Staff Engaged in Industrial Firms of Islamabad, Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 1073–1085.