International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Critical Analysis of Terengganu Rural Transformation Centre

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The rural population is expected to be more viable and able to compete through the establishment of Rural Transformation Center (RTC). In addition, the RTC is also expected to help increase the income and living standards of the rural population such as marketing their products across the country and penetrating the export market. It can also focus on changing the minds of the people, not just serving them. This study uses a qualitative approach by interviewing five informants who have the credibility of obtaining complete information on the governance, issues and challenges faced by RTC Terengganu. The findings evidenced that the establishment of RTC Terengganu basically encouraged rural people to become entrepreneurs but business operations and activities at the RTC were monopolised by a subsidiary of the Central Terengganu Development Authority (KETENGAH). It also faces the problem of lacking support where most agencies do not receive the welcome of the locals. Among the proposals are purification related to RTC governance, strategic networks and population development needs.
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In-Text Citation: (Bakar, Mamat, and Muda, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, N. A., Mamat, I., and Muda, W. M. W. (2019). A Critical Analysis of Terengganu Rural Transformation Centre. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 930-941.