International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Thematic Analysis of ‘Aql in the Al-Quran

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‘Aql is Arabic word to mean intellect or mind and being mentioned in the a;-Quran 49 times in verb form derived from the root words. There are found in the five forms of verb which are ya‘qilun, ta‘qilun, ‘aqalu, ya’qiluha and na‘qilu referring to the ‘use of intellect’. The systematic study of the forms of verb is the main objectives of this paper using thematic analysis ‘Aql being associated with other terms such as ulul albab, hikmah, qalb and nuha. But these terms show different types and level of thinking which its basis is ‘’aql. Therefore, it is importance to study specifically ‘aql in order to understand its purpose. By using Quranic index to locate all these words, each verb form is discussed and anlaysed using thematic analysis. Therefore, descriptive methodology and content analysis is adopted simultaneouly. The finding of this paper is to discover the purpose of aql underlies each of these verb form.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman & Ibrahim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, S. N. M. A., & Ibrahim, A. (2019). Thematic Analysis of ‘Aql in the Al-Quran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 921–929.