International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Message in the Preaching to Chieftains and Its Appropriateness: An Example of Preaching To Chieftains in the Malay Archipelago

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Successful preaching depends on several factors, such as choosing an appropriate message and the appropriateness of its contents or mawduk with the target of the preaching. One of the target groups is the chieftains or mentioned in the al-Quran as the mala’. This group occupies the highest position in the social system hierarchy of a society or group and it usually holds the reins of power as well as being very influential. During the time of the Prophet SAW and the beginning of preaching in the Malay Archipelago, preaching disseminated quickly because it was supported by this group. The spread of Islam throughout the Malay Peninsula is evidence of this fact. This shows that the dissemination and expansion of Islam throughout the Malay Peninsula started with the chieftains and it quickly spread among the public. The paper found the influence held by the chieftains had made them one of the main target groups of the preachers. This success was the main factor responsible for the expeditious dissemination of Islam, either inside or outside the Arab Peninsula. The need and importance of preaching to the chieftains is evident when examining the coming and dissemination of Islam throughout the Malay Archipelago.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusoff, Adam, Mat, Rahman, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Yusoff, Z., Adam, F., Mat, M. Z., Rahman, R. A. (2019).The Message in the Preaching To Chieftains and Its Appropriateness: An Example of Preaching To Chieftains in the Malay Archipelago. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 851–863.