International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Wasathiyah and Its Implementation among Tasawwuf Scholars in Aceh

Open access

Mohd Faiz Hakimi Mat Idris, Mohamad Zaidin Mohamad, Ahmad Fauzi Hasan, Ahmad Shaharuddin Tahar, Azhar Yaacob

Pages 842-850 Received: 11 Oct, 2019 Revised: 30 Oct, 2019 Published Online: 24 Nov, 2019
Wasathiyah is one of the main elements that can build stability and harmony both locally and internationally. Therefore, it is not surprising that Islam which is a religion of peace supports the value of wasathiyah. This has been proven by the practice of the Messenger of Allah and his Companions. Positive practices have been perpetuated by the tasawwuf scholars from the past until today. This study aims to explore the thoughts and practices of wasathiyah among the tasawwuf scholars in Aceh. This study is qualitative with an exploratory design. Data collection is through content analysis of primary and secondary sources. The data obtained were analyzed using inductive and comparative methods. The findings of this study highlight the significant contribution made by the tasawwuf scholars in promoting the understanding and practice of wasathiyah among the people of Aceh.
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In-Text Citation: (Idris et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Idris, M. F. H. M., Mohamad, M. Z., Hasan, A. F., Tahar, A. S., Yaacob, A. (2019). Wasathiyah and Its Implementation among Tasawwuf Scholars in Aceh. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 842–850.