International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Working Women and the Islamic Work-Life Balance Concept

Open access

Tengku Fatimah Muliana Tengku Muda, Syh Noorul Madihah Syed Husin, Siti Khatijah Ismail, Zurita Mohd Yusoff, Siti Fatimah Salleh, Nur Nadiah binti Zakaria, Wan Mohd Yusoff Wan Chik

Pages 834-841 Received: 02 Oct, 2019 Revised: 26 Oct, 2019 Published Online: 25 Nov, 2019
Modernization has made a significant difference in women's lives today. Increased access to education, employment and socioeconomic change have also enabled women to progress and actively contribute to national development. As a result, most women are now having dual-roles, juggling between work and personal life. Achieving balance between both is crucial since any imbalance could bring adverse effect whether in personal or work life. Therefore, using document analysis method, this study aimed to identify the concept of balance as discussed by the Muslim scholars, as well as work-life balance of a career woman in the Islamic perspective. The data were collected from classical and contemporary texts and were analyzed through document analysis method. The study finds that Islam as a universal religion has provided guidelines in determining the priorities that should be considered in every aspect of life, including in exercising the concept of moderation and balance.
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In-Text Citation: (Muda et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Muda, T. F. M. T., Husin,S. N. M. S., Ismail, S. K., Yusoff, Z. M., Salleh, S. F., Zakaria, M. Y., & Chik, W. W. Y. W. (2019). Working Women and the Islamic Work-Life Balance Concept. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 834–841.