International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Constraining Factors of Parents’ Maintenance among Working Children in Terengganu, Malaysia

Open access

Syh Noorul Madihah Syed Husin, Tengku Fatimah Muliana Tengku Muda, Siti Fatimah Salleh, Siti Khatijah Ismail, Sumayyah Abdul Aziz, Wan Mohd Yusoff Wan Chik

Pages 811-824 Received: 10 Oct, 2019 Revised: 30 Oct, 2019 Published Online: 13 Nov, 2019
Parents’ maintenance is an obligation due to a child provided that both parties meet certain criteria as outlined by Islam. The injunction is however ignored by some children although the obligation has been agreed by the fuqaha based on the naqli and aqli arguments. Cases of parents who have been neglected by children, especially the aged and incapacitated parents, are often a dominant topic in newspapers. These circumstances illustrate that parental care, which is of the primary obligation of a child, is still at unsatisfactory level especially when it comes to maintenance. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the constraining factors encountered by the working children in fulfilling their responsibility towards parents’ maintenance. This is a quantitative research method whereby 291 respondents from the academic staff of three public universities in Terengganu, Malaysia were selected through stratified random sampling method. The study employed questionnaire as the research instrument. The data were then analyzed using the Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 with a focus on descriptive statistics to determine the constraining factors among working children to financially support the parents. The study shows that among the dominant constraining factors are time management and location. The results of this study suggested the need to develop a model on parents’ maintenance plan. This shall facilitate the working children to overcome the major constraints in providing maintenance to the parents.
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In-Text Citation: (Husin et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Husin, S. N. M. S., Muda, T. F. M. T., Salleh, S. F., Ismail, S. K., Aziz, S. A., & Chik, W. M. Y. W. (2019). Constraining Factors of Parents’ Maintenance among Working Children in Terengganu, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 811–824.