International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Liberalism between Acceptance and Rejection in Muslim World: A Review

Open access

Mohd Safri Ali, Shahirah Abdu Rahim, Aman Daima Md Zain, Mohd Hasrul Shuhari, Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin, Mohd Sani Ismail, Mohd Fauzi Hamat

Pages 798-810 Received: 13 Oct, 2019 Revised: 30 Oct, 2019 Published Online: 21 Nov, 2019
The problem with ideology of liberalism and Islam remains its priority to the facet of the resolution of the Shari’a. Liberalism also seeks to loosen the rule of law and the rule of Islam rather than its adherents. This article reviews the literature on the concepts, acceptance and rejection of liberalism through the view of Muslim scholars. The objective of this article is to examine the concept of liberalism, acceptance and rejection of liberalism among Muslim scholars. In addition, the explanation of the intellectual views on liberalism is also highlighted. This article uses a qualitative approach with exploratory case study methods. Textual methods are applied to the information transferred therefore the information can be captured and interpreted. Data analysis is done by employing descriptive analysis. The findings show that there are acceptance and rejection of religious liberal ideology. Muslim scholars and independent intellectuals have also expressed their comprehensive views to wisely reject the ideology of religious liberalism as it is undoubtedly an apparent deviation from Islamic principles.
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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Ali, M. S., Rahim, S. A., Zain, A. D. M., Shuhari, M. H., Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W., Ismail, M. S., Hamat, M. A. (2019). Liberalism between Acceptance and Rejection in Muslim World: A Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 798–810.