International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Errors in Reciting the Al-Quran during the Tilawah Al-Quran and Criteria for Evaluation

Open access

Najmiah Binti Omar, Nor Hafizi bin Yusof, Fatimah Zaharah Ismail, Wan Fajrulhisyam Bin Wan Abdullah

Pages 778-786 Received: 10 Oct, 2019 Revised: 30 Oct, 2019 Published Online: 13 Nov, 2019
Generally, errors that emerge during the Tilawah al-Quran can be divided into two, namely Jaliyy or explicit errors and Khafiyy or ambiguous errors. Both these errors can impair the recital, reduce the impeccability of the recital and create a lack of order in the recital, which then leads to the reduction in marks earned at the Tilawah al-Quran. Errors in reciting the al-Quran involve the fasahah, vocals, tarannum, and tajwid aspects. Hence, an immaculate recital of the al-Quran is a recital that lacks errors in the characteristics mentioned above. Thus, identifying these errors can form a guideline, especially for the qari and qariah who will be reciting the al-Quran.
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In-Text Citation: (Omar, Yusof, Ismail, Abdullah, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Omar, N. M., Yusof, N. H. B., Ismail, F. Z., Abdullah, W. F. B. W. (2019). Errors in Reciting the Al-Quran during the Tilawah Al-Quran and Criteria for Evaluation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 778–786.