International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Early Education of Ancient Terengganu Muslim’s Scholars Before 19th Century

Open access

M. Hafiy A. Malek, Najihah Abd Wahid, Fadzli Adam, Anas Mohd Yunus, Zurita Mohd Yusoff, Engku Ibrahim Bin Engku Wok Zin

Pages 771-777 Received: 15 Oct, 2019 Revised: 01 Nov, 2019 Published Online: 25 Nov, 2019
The education background of the ancient Terengganu’s Muslim scholars, especially before the 19th century has its own history. The lifestyle at that particular time patterned their noble personalities, such as Tok Ku Tuan Besar (1209 H/ 12 February 1795 C.E.- 21 January 1878 C.E..), Tok Ku Paloh (1233 H/1817 C.E.- 1335 H/1917 C.E.) and Tok Pulau Manis (1650s - 1736 C.E.). Hence, this paper will be discussing those three prominent figures, particularly related to their early education in order to historically retrieve their background and educational pattern. By utilizing the approach of content analysis from the library sources and in-depth interview, this paper attempts to analyse few patterns and educational background of the selected scholars. On that point, the researchers able to get the overview on the depth of their concern and commitment that had given, especially on the religious education. The findings indicate that those scholars practised the way talaqqi musyafahah (verbal lesson attained directly from a teacher and joined by a small group of students) and it is conveyed in a form of sanad (a chain of the authenticated narrator) by a teacher in each discipline learnt by them. The findings also suggested to implement their method and educational pattern in the 21st century’s field of education, thus the prominent figures and scholars along the history timeline will be reborn again in this era.
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In-Text Citation: (Malek et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Malek, M. H. A., Wahid, N. A., Adam, F., Yunus, A. M., Yusoff, Z. M., Zin, E. I. B. E. W. (2019). Early Education of Ancient Terengganu Muslim’s Scholars Before 19th Century. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 771–777.