International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Islamic-Based Development Focus in the Mission Statements of Islamic Institutions in Malaysia

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Islamic-based development institutions (IBD) play a pivotal role in fulfilling the aim and direction of Islamic-based development. Towards this effort, the mission statement is adopted as the tool to clarify this. Almost all of the IBD institutions also exhibit their missions very clearly through their official websites and annual reports. It raises a question, is it the mission statement really fulfills the aim and direction of IBD? Thus, this article seeks to focus on the mission statements of IBD institutions. The focus of discussion involves selected 89 IBD institutions in Malaysia. For this purpose, this article also performs content analysis on the secondary data that have been obtained. Apart from that, the analysis also focusing on the Islamic aspect is also carried out by considering nine important components of the mission statement that are often outlined by practitioner and academicians in the strategic management field. Our observation reveals that the aim and direction of IBD are not really fulfilled. The aim and direction emphasized by the IBD are more directed towards conventional development.
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In-Text Citation: (Johari, Ahmad, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Johari, F. F., Ahmad, F. A. (2019). Islamic-Based Development Focus in the Mission Statements of Islamic Institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 685–694.