International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Concept of Wages from Islamic Scholars Perspectives

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The purpose of this study was to determine, identify and analysing the view of the scholars on the concept of wages (ujrah). The scholars have a different opinions regarding the wages (ujrah) in Fiqh perspective. This method of Ujrah is the best part of Fiqh perspectives that is to identify, classify and analyse the information of that relating to the identify topic of discussion. This method used a few of methods in issuing. With the methods of Conventional Research Methodology (CRM), techniques used to collect and analyse data of Fiqh perspective according to the source of islamic jurnals and article from internet. This topic is referred to some opinions from others. The another method adopted in this discussion regarding with Islamic primary sources and Islamic secondary sources. The question arises about the situation are, what is the definition of Ujrah in islam? What are the kind of relevant approaches to be implemented in analyse the detail about the issues of Ujrah from Fiqh perspective in islam and within muslims? What is conditions of Ujrah practice in Fiqh perspective including examples. To answer these questions, this study has a few of objectives. The objectivity of this assignment is to expose to all the judicial laws relating to the selected title and the proposition support of the Al-Quran Al-Karim or the authentic hadiths of the Rasulullah S.A.W. This task contains the views of scholars to the concept of wages. Some of the important things that describe the concept of wages (ujrah) are detailed in terms of definition, law in Islam, certain terms, examples and related terminals and conclude with the whole formula of the concept of wages (ujrah). First, it is purpose done to recognize the concept of Ujrah from Fiqh perspective, secondly, to identify the meaning of Ujrah in islam, and to analyse and formulate a wage law and the rule of law wage practice in concept of wages that study of Ujrah in Fiqh perspective. This qualitative study uses contents analysis for the aim of analyse data collected. Through this approach, considered best suited to be implemented in the concept of wages (ujrah in fiqh perspective).
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In-Text Citation: (Azizudin, Mokhtar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Azizudin, N. A. A. B. M., Mokhtar, W. K. A. W. (2019). Concept of Wages from Islamic Scholars Perpectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 633–639.