International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Comprehensive Aspect in Islam from Quran and Hadith Perspective

Open access
This study aims to analyse and identify about Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all era and all events have occurred on the face of the earth and human’s life. By using the title of Islam is a comprehensive religion is one of the best approaches to collect, identify, classify and analyse the verses of the Al-Quran relating to the identified topic of discussion. With the method of Conventional Research Methodology (CRM), techniques used to identify, analyse and collect data according to the sources of Islamic journals and articles from the internet. The question arises about this situation are; what are kind of brochures existed in Islam? Is it true Islam is suitable for all human? What makes Islam is the best religion to adopt? To answer these questions, this study has three objectives. First, purposefully done to recognize the concept of Islam is a comprehensive religion. Secondly to study and analyse that Islam has too many brochures to show it comprehensively. Finally, to tell that Islam teaches us to become a perfect Muslim so Islam can be adopted to all. This qualitative study uses content analysis for the purpose of analyzing data collected. Through this approach, considered the most appropriate to implement the concept of Islam is a comprehensive religion for two reasons. First, the description of Islam is a comprehensive religion by learning the pronunciation and the second, about the study of Hadith and certain verses from Al-Quran. The first method of Islam is a comprehensive religion that confirms the main source of Islam are Hadith and Al-Quran. Second, this method appears to be the most appropriate way to collect, identify, classify and analyse data for the purpose of meeting the needs of today’s society.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamid & Mokhtar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hamid, N. C., Mokhtar, W. K. A. W. (2019). The Comprehensive Aspect in Islam from Quran and Hadith Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 557–564.