International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinants of Shopping Mall Patronage among Consumers in Enugu Metropolis

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The aim of this study is to determine those factors that influence shoppers to shop in malls in Enugu metropolis. Specifically, the study sought to examine the influence of distance on shoppers' patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis, evaluate the influence of convenience on shoppers' patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis, to ascertain the influence of customer services on shoppers' patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis, determine the effect of socialisation on shoppers' patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis and evaluate the influence of exploration on shoppers' patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. Survey method was adopted for this study. Adults 18 years and above were the target population. A sample size of 596 was used for the study. Data was gathered using a well-structured questionnaire. Five hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The test was run on AMOS version 25.0 with maximum likelihood estimation. Findings revealed that distance does not have a significant influence on shoppers’ patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. In contrast, convenience had a significant influence on shoppers’ patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. Also, customer Service does not have a significant influence on shoppers’ patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. Socialization had a significant influence on shoppers’ patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. Lastly, exploration had a significant influence on shoppers’ patronage of shopping malls in Enugu metropolis. The study concludes that distance and customer service are not major factors that stimulate shoppers’ patronage. Factors like convenience,socialization and exploration are important factors determining shoppers’ patronage in Enugu metropolis. The study recommends that the management of the shopping malls should direct their resources toward constant improvement on the mall facilities that attract shoppers to the mall.
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In-Text Citation: (Okoro, Okolo & Mmamel, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Okoro, D. P., Okolo, V. O., Mmamel, Z. U. (2019). Determinants of Shopping Mall Patronage among Consumers in Enugu Metropolis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 400–420.