International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Management Effectiveness in Waqf Institutions in Malaysia: A Literature Review

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Waqf continues to be a significant source for developing the Muslim community today. Waqf institutions thus need to ensure their unceasing effectiveness in managing Waqf funds so as to establish a Muslim economy that is more vibrant, progressive and inclusive. The improved performance of the institution, which can be achieved by improving public trust, will in turn lead to social improvements as well. To ensure that a Waqf institution remains competitive, it is crucial to identify its core competencies in terms of leadership styles and roles which allow it to establish a productive working environment. Therefore, the institution’s leader plays a major role in ensuring management effectiveness. This paper reviews several literatures on the management effectiveness of Waqf institutions and proposes viable leadership communication styles for the institutions. It has been suggested that clear, regular and constant communication is necessary for the growth and effectiveness of any institution.
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In-Text Citation: (Sharip, Awang, & Ismail, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sharip, S. M., Awang, M., Ismail, R. (2019). Management Effectiveness in Waqf Institutions in Malaysia: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 254–271.