International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Validity and Reliability of Psychological Characteristics Questionnaire in Malaysian Male Talented Football Players

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The main aim of this study is to obtain the validity and reliability of psychological characteristics questionnaire in Malaysian male talented football players aged 13 to 14 years old. Nine sub attributes are used to measure the attributes of psychological characteristics, which are anxiety control, mental preparation, team orientation, concentration, self-confidence, motivation, coping with adversity, peaking under pressure and coach ability. A total of 120 male football players aged 13 to 14 who underwent training under the Malaysia National Football Development Program were selected as study samples. Pearson correlation analysis were used to obtain validity of field experts. Cronbach’s alpha analysis were used to obtain reliability coefficient of the psychological characteristics questionnaire. Factor analysis was used to obtain the construct validity of the questionnaire items. The factor analysis results showed 50 questionnaire items are valid from the overall 79 items constructed. The result of Pearson correlation analysis shows the value of field experts validity is r = .92. Cronbach’s alpha analysis of questionnaire items obtained high reliability total value of ? = .86 and the internal consistency coefficient for each sub attributes are anxiety control (? = .83), mental preparation (? = .82), team orientation (? = .84), concentration (? = .83), self-confidence (? = .84), motivation (? = .82), coping with adversity (? = .87), peaking under pressure (? = .86) and coach ability (? = .81). The attributes of psychological characteristics questionnaire are shown to be valid and reliable.

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In-Text Citation: (Hanapiah, Hashim, & Karim, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hanapiah, K. S., Hashim, A., & Karim, Z. A. (2019). Validity and Reliability of Psychological Characteristics Questionnaire in Malaysian Male Talented Football Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(11), 50–60.