International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Challenges in Implementing Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services (MFHS) in Shariah-Compliant Hotels in Malaysia

Open access
Due to different understanding of halal accommodation according to the madhabs (Islamic schools of thought) and practice levels in Islam, Shariah-compliant hotels (SCHs) globally faced challenges related to the implementation of Muslim-friendly hospitality services (MFHS) in their accommodation establishments. Hence, this study seeks to identify the challenges of Shariah-compliant hotels in Malaysia in implementing MFHS. The study uses qualitative approach where data collection was done through observations and in-depth semi-structured interviews with managers from three Shariah-compliant hotels. Overall, findings showed that the hotels face challenges and issues arising from customers' demands and their existing facilities and services. This study has identified a list of main challenges faced by Shariah-compliant hoteliers which can be a point of reference for current and future hotel managers. It is recommended that hotel operators learn from the challenges faced by them and improve their services for Muslim guests.
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In-Text Citation: (Razak, Yusof, & Aziz, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Razak, N. A. A., Yusof, R. N. R., & Aziz, Y. A. (2019). Challenges in Implementing Muslim Friendly Hospitality Services (MFHS) in Shariah-Compliant Hotels in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(10), 67–72.