International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Corporate Performance: An Indicator for Corporate Future Direction from the Eyes or Top Management

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Corporate Performance measure and assess how good an organisation executes compare its goals and objectives. Typically, corporate performance was used as a tool to gauge department or functional role efficiency, identify which is performing well and which isn’t, determine on workforce compensation and plan for productivity improvement. The ability to measure performance follow by implementing improvement change is a highly appreciated managerial skill, hence proper and comprehensive understanding of corporate performance will gives ideas and priorities for top management to make strategic move for corporate future direction. This paper aimed to evaluate how prior researches had been dealing with corporate performance in recent years taking in account different role and departmental perspective. This paper examines over 20 years of research on corporate performance from various perspective of organisation role using a systematic review. The key findings indicated that Operational Performance is always important when it comes to post Research and Development role, such as product development, quality management, supply chain management and green supply chain. Economic Performance, Accounting Performance and Financial Performance are also important as they have shared almost similar measure by prior researchers. This is followed by Environmental Performance and Social Performance or Market Performance which emerged as an important dimension. The study pinpoints key performance factors that could be practically used as an indicator for top management, leading to corporate future direction in current high volatility global economy, worth fully for further study.
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In-Text Citation: (Rong, Kowang, Hee, Fei, & Yew, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Rong, L. B., Kowang, T. O., Hee, O. C., Fei, G. C., & Yew, L. K. (2019). Corporate Performance: An Indicator for Corporate Future Direction from the Eyes or Top Management. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 1000–1016.