International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Emotional Intelligence and Perception of Stress among Undergraduate University Students

Open access

Nur Khairunisa Abu Talip, Cyndra Robert Budull, Hasmiza Abdul Majeed, Theresa Ahing, Noreriani Sabturani , Muhamad Syukrie Abu Talip

Pages 898-911 Received: 10 Aug, 2019 Revised: 30 Aug, 2019 Published Online: 21 Sep, 2019
Purpose of the study: The aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and perception of stress (PS) among undergraduate university students in Malaysia and to examine the difference between genders on EI and PS scores. Methods: A total sample of 460 undergraduate university students from comprehensive universities in Malaysia participated in the present study. A set of questionnaire consisting of the Assessing Emotional Scale (AES) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was used to measure the studied variables. Pearson correlations were utilized to examine the relationship between EI and PS. Independent Samples T-Test were used to study the difference between genders on EI and PS scores. Results: The findings showed significant positive relationship between perception of emotion (PE) and PS (r=.146), managing own emotion (MOE) and PS (r=.296), managing others’ emotion (MOTE) and PS (r=.197) and utilization of emotion (UE) and PS (r=.207) among the undergraduate university students. Independent Sample T-Test used to examine the difference between genders shown no significant difference in both EI and PS scores Conclusion: This study helps in examining the relationship between EI and stress level among university students. Hence, it will help us in understanding and providing information on the university students’ emotional intelligence and perceived stress during their undergraduate life.
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In-Text Citation: (Talip et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Talip, N. K. A., Budull, C. R., Majeed, H. A., Ahing, T., Sabturani, N., & Talip, M. S. A. (2019). Emotional Intelligence and Perception of Stress among Undergraduate University Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 898–911.