The purpose of this study is to determine the role of creative self-efficacy in increasing the innovative behavior of the researchers at the Centre for Water Resources Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. This study implemented a quantitative paradigm with the verification method. The questionnaire was spread for data collection. The respondents were 48 civil servants with the functional position as a researcher. The results of this research showed that creative self-efficacy has strong relationship with innovative behavior of the researchers. As expected, the results of simple regression analysis in this study reveal the significant impact of creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior in public sector organization. Therefore, this investigation contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a specific explanation on creative self-efficacy and innovative behavior in public organization.
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In-Text Citation: (Supriatna, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Supriatna, M. D. (2019). The Role of Creative Self-Efficacy to Increase Researcher’s Innovative Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 846–859.
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