International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Empirical Study on Organizational Climate, Readiness to Change Relationship and the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction

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Purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between Organization Climate and Readiness to change with the mediating effect of job satisfaction. For that study data collected from 230 faculty and Staff members of Educational Institutions located in Pakistan. The results show organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction have a significant positive relationship, the relationship between Job satisfaction and Readiness to change found positive, also the relationship between Organizational Climate and Readiness to change found positive and Job Satisfaction plays a significant role as mediator between Organization Climate and Readiness to change.
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In-Text Citation: (Altaf, Wenyuan, Altaf, Altaf, & Siddiqui, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Altaf, S., Wenyuan, L., Altaf, S., Altaf, N., & Siddiqui, M. K. (2019). An Empirical Study on Organizational Climate, Readiness to Change Relationship and the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 710–721.