International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Improving Employment Opportunities in The Rural Areas Through Cooperative Business Enterprises in Enugu State, Nigeria

Open access
The general aim of this research work is to examine “Improving Employment Opportunities in the Rural Areas through Cooperative Business Enterprise (A Study of Udi L.G.A of Enugu State)”. The specific objectives of this research work include the following: to determine the number of cooperative societies business enterprises in Udi Local Government Area, to examine the role of cooperative business enterprise in reduction of unemployment in Udi Local Government of Enugu State. For a successful completion of this research work, the researcher made use of both primary and secondary methods of data collection for information gathering. The population of the study was 435 while the sample size of 208 was gotten through Taro Yamene formula. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed with simple percentage while the hypotheses stated were tested with chi square. The findings made includes: the residents of Udi Local Government of Enugu State are aware of the existence of cooperative societies, the roles of cooperative business enterprise in reduction of unemployment in Udi Local Government of Enugu State are promoting self-employment, cooperatives induce wage employment, cooperatives promote capacity buildingand provision of educational and training facilities. In conclusion, the residents of Udi Local Government of Enugu State are aware of the existence of cooperative societies, the roles of cooperative business enterprise in reduction of unemployment in Udi Local Government of Enugu State are promoting self-employment, cooperatives induce wage employment, cooperatives promote capacity buildingand provision of educational and training facilities. The researcher therefore recommends that a business organization, cooperative societies in Udi Local Government of Enugu State needs proper funding, since they are finding it difficult to get their external sources of fund, the officers should try to keep proper book of account of the societies in order to avoid fraud and misappropriation of funds.
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In-Text Citation: (Okonkwo, Onyeze, Ochiaka, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Okonkwo, P. C., Onyeze, C. N., Ochiaka, D. I. (2019). Improving Employment Opportunities in The Rural Areas Through Cooperative Business Enterprises in Enugu State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(8), 237–257.