The Project-Based Learning (PBP) is one of the teaching and learning strategies that is often emphasized in teaching and facilitating sessions (PdPc) in schools. In line with the transformation of national education, through the implementation of the Secondary School Standards Curriculum (KSSM), the application of PBP is seen able contribute to produce excellence’s students not only in the academic field but to help students master the diversity of 21st century skills. Hence, this study was conducted on Form 4 pupils who took the Elective Subjects (MPEI) of Accounting Principles (PP) by making the topic of Financial Statement of the Sole Proprietorship as a main focus in studying the impact of PBP on the changes of student achievement. The use of specialized modules in the purpose of this study takes involvement of scaffolding elements. The quasi experiemental design was employed with the pre and post group. The sample of this study was 40 respondents from form 4 pupils of private schools in the state of Selangor, representing 20 respondents of treatment group and 20 respondents of control groups. The findings shows the significant difference between the mean score of the treatment group and the control group. This finding illustrates that through the application of PBP with scaffolding, pupils 'achievement in their learning can be improved as well as attesting the application of PBP with scaffolding should be used as one of the alternatives in PdPc sessions in order to ensure students' excellence always consistent.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamaluddin, Kadir, Alias, & Abdullah, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Jamaluddin, N. S., Kadir, S. A., Alias, S. N., & Abdullah, A. (2019). Scaffolding through Project Based Learning on the Change of Student Achievement: A Study in Accounting Principles Subject. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 567–577.
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