With the emergence of Malay Indie works such as novels, short stories and poetry appearing in social media streams such as Facebook and Twitter accounts, many critics are torn between lambasting it as “trash” or lauding it as creative measures to rejuvenate a dying reading habit among the new millennia generation. The so-called “Indie” writers write novels, short stories or poems based on their own opinions in a language that is not in accordance with the level expected of Dewan Bahasa Pustaka. These works have indeed rejuvenated the reading trend among the younger generation and is credited with giving new breath to Malay literature with the increasingly sophisticated mainstream Malay Literature becoming out of reach of the general public. The majority of the adolescent followers whose enamoured relationship with the world of technology has been the bane of all the parents, have suddenly been captivated with these Indie publications. Their increasing interest in reading these books because of the low cost and easy access plus quick release compared to mainstream literature has sustained these publications. Utusan Malaysia Literary column (March 27, 2016) regards the emergence of these Indie works as a phenomenon due to changes in society. This article will examine how far the emergence of these works is a contingent phenomena especially in the arena of Malay literary development through a comparative comparison of the mainstream Malay Literary and Indie works that are concurrently published in the 1990s.
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In-Text Citation: (Cheang, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Cheang, S. C. (2019). Indie Phenomenon: Sustainability of Malay Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 273–281.
Copyright: © 2019 The Author(s)
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