International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influences between the Planned Behavior, the Resilience and the Student Entrepreneurship Intention

Open access
This exploratory study seeks to determine the influence between planned behavior (TPB), resilience (RE) and entrepreneurial intention (EI) among matriculation college students in Malaysia. Specific goals are: 1) to determine the influence of TPB on EI matriculation college students in Malaysia; 2) to determine the influence of TPB on RE student matriculation college in Malaysia; 3) to determine the influence of RE on EI matriculation college students in Malaysia; 4) to determine RE mediates the relationship between TPB and EI matriculation college students in Malaysia; 5) to determine the involvement of students in business activity moderates the relationship between TPB and EI matriculation college students in Malaysia; 6) to determine family involvement in business activity moderates the relationship between TPB and EI matriculation college students in Malaysia. An attempt has been made in this paper to provide an overview of the available TPB, RE and EI literature by classifying and then critically reviewing the material to develop a framework for TPB, RE and EI and suggest future research directions. This also includes model and two measurements for TPB, RE and EI. A summary of research findings and conclusions are reported at the end of the research view.
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In-Text Citation: (Muslim, Habidin, & Latip, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Muslim, R., Habidin, N. F., & Latip, N. A. M. (2019). The Influences Between the Planned Behavior, the Resilience and the Student Entrepreneurship Intention. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 1030–1043.