International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Arabic Language Communicative Level among Students from Arabic Language Co-curriculum Course in Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Johore, Malaysia

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The aim of this research is to observe the usage level of Arabic Language among students from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, PasirGudang, Johor and the reasons that inhibit the usage of Arabic Language. The study was conducted on 130 students who took Arabic Language Co-curriculum course from five classes in Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, PasirGudang, Johor (DEP 3C , DEV 3 A, DJK 3 A, DJK 4F and DRG 4B). The research findings illustrate that the usage of Arabic Language among students of Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is low, be it inside or outside of the classroom. The poor level of Arabic Language usage is caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor refers to students’ feeling towards the language learned such as timidity, lack of confidence, fear, lack of enthusiasm and so on. The findings of this research provide practical implication towards the techniques and methodology in Arabic Language teaching as an effort to encourage the usage of Arabic Language among students who enroll in Arabic Language Co-curriculum Course.
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In-Text Citation: (Sameri & Muhamadin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sameri, M. K. N. bin, & Muhamadin, N. (2019). Arabic Language Communicative Level among Students from Arabic Language Co-curriculum Course in Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Johore, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1501–1509.