International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effect of Diversity Management Strategies on Employee Retention among Staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation

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The study intended to ascertain effect of diversity management strategies on employee retention among staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. The specific objectives are to: examine the effect of communications in managing workforce diversity on employee retention among staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, ascertain the effect of performance management in managing workforce diversity on employee retention among staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, evaluate the effect of leadership initiative in managing workforce diversity on employee retention among staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation and verify the effect of share responsibilities in managing workforce diversity on employee retention among staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. The area of study was south-East of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. Research design was sample survey research design. The population of this study comprises of the 120 staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. Information from questionnaires was analyzed using multi-norminal regression. The study conducted that performance Management, Leadership Initiative, Communication and Share Responsibility are effective diversity management strategies to promote employee retention in Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. The selected workforce diversity strategies have positive and significant effect on employee retention. The management that holds onto diversity management strategies will go a long way to control workforce diversity in the area such as gender, ethnicity, religion, age, functional background, and organizational tenure and differences with respect to attitudes, personality, and values of employee. The following recommendations have been suggested by this study: Management of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation should communication more and integrate employee on the need, mission, vision, of managerial decision and policies; Management of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation should adopt transformational leadership style to employee sense of belonging on the organization.
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In-Text Citation: (Nnadi & Chinedu, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nnadi, C. S. O., & Chinedu, U. A. (2019). Effect of Diversity Management Strategies on Employee Retention among Staff of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 999–1019.