International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


MBA Program Sustainability: Application of Social Cognitive Theory for bridging the gap between Theory and Practice of Managerial Skills

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Professional degree programs like MBA are supposed to develop practical managerial skills among MBAs to train them as management practitioners. However, business education is facing considerable criticism for not developing such desired skills among its graduates. There is an array of literature which challenges the MBA program sustainability and has scrutinized business education, its theoretical curriculum and structure for not developing practical managerial skill according to employers’ needs. This study attempted to address the core critic on business education which revolve around highly theoretical nature of MBA program and deficient aspect of practical learning in classrooms. This study aims to first explore emerging managerial skills demanded by the local employers. Secondly, a model, by applying constructs of social cognitive theory, has been provided that demonstrate how practical learning can be integrated with theoretical aspect in MBA classrooms. We have taken the context of a developing country where uneven ground of business education is still struggling to improve. The qualitative research methodology was employed where HR officials and line managers of dominating industries which majorly recruit MBAs were interviewed. This study is hoped to provide contextual understanding of demanded managerial skills by local employers. Also, the model presented in this research demonstrates the levels for embedding practical learning in MBA classrooms which is one of emerging challenge for MBA program sustainability.
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In-Text Citation: (Aslam & Jamil, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Aslam, H. D., & Jamil, R. (2019). MBA Program Sustainability: Application of Social Cognitive Theory for bridging the gap between Theory and Practice of Managerial Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1469–1498.