International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Oldest Mosques in Malacca: History and Main Components of Mosques

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The rapid pace of trading activities at the port of the Straits of Malacca had led to many traders, including Chinese merchants, to do commerce in Malacca. Their presence in Malacca created a space for cultural assimilation between two different nations, which subsequently led to a unique development process for mosque design and style. Chinese architectural influence on mosque architecture in Malacca began when Chinese Craftsmen first came for building constructions. Ever since the establishment of the city of Malacca, there had been a close relationship between Parameswara and the Ming Dynasty of China. The early mosques in Malacca were shaped like tiered pyramid and pagoda-like towers, suggesting Chinese influence. Among them are the Kampung Keling Mosque, a 200 years old mosque, where its construction began with the generosity of a wealthy Chinese by the name of Shamsudin who had just embraced Islam. The mosque did not only have Chinese carvings but also incorporated internal and external Chinese components such as towers and archways. These elements clearly point towards the harmonious combination of Chinese and Islamic culture. The result of the study shows that the constructions of these mosques had been influenced by Chinese elements, which can still be seen in the present day.
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In-Text Citation: (Kadir, Rahman, & Suyurno, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Kadir, N. A. A., Rahman, M. F. A., & Suyurno, S. S. (2019). The Oldest Mosques in Malacca: History and Main Components of Mosques. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 386–397.