International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring the Use of Drama-Based Activities as a Learning Tool in English Oral Proficiency Development among Students from Non-Malay-Medium Nation Schools: A Preliminary Study

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Transitioning from Non-Malay-medium national schools to Malay-medium or English-medium secondary schools proved to be a struggle for many students due to the negligence in developing audio-lingual skills of the second language (L2) throughout the six-years of primary education. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of drama-based activities as a language learning strategy on L2 oral proficiency among the students aged between 12 to 13 years old from Non-Malay-Medium National School. Over a period of five weeks, pre-intervention interviews (on the first week), intervention (over the span of three weeks with two hours per week), and post-intervention interviews (on the fifth week) were carried out. The content of the intervention was adapted from Trinity College London's Grade 4 Communication Skills syllabus. The instruments used for data collection included: (1) pre-determined pre- and post-intervention speaking assessments, (2) classroom observation speaking assessments and (3) oral proficiency assessment rubric adapted from Cambridge English speaking assessment of Common European Framework of Reference Level B1 and a published drama assessment tool focusing on elements such as Grammar and Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Discourse Management, and Task Completion. The results of the post-intervention oral proficiency assessment showed that the there was an overall improvement especially in discourse management and task completion.
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In-Text Citation: (Man, May, Sharif, & Singh, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Man, C. F., May, A. L. J., Sharif, S., & Singh, S. S. B. (2019). Exploring the Use of Drama-Based Activities as a Learning Tool in English Oral Proficiency Development among Students from Non-Malay-Medium Nation Schools: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 1202–1215.