International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship on Wealth Creation in Nigeria: A Case Study of Selected Non-For-Profit Organizations (NPOS)

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The seminar paper sought to investigate the impact of social entrepreneurship on wealth creation in Nigeria. The study was based on descriptive survey. Primary and secondary sources of data were employed. Copies of questionnaire were used to elicit responses from the subjects. Telephone calls were used to clarify questionnaire questions for the respondents. Observation provided the researcher the opportunity to watch the social entrepreneurship activities of the sampled NGOs, The secondary source used were textbooks professional journals, newspapers and relevant websites provided the researcher insight into existing literature on the subject theme. The populations of the study were 40 and 288 for the founders and clients respectively of the sampled NGOs. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. Simple percentile was used in analyzing Ike research questions. Chi-square (X2) was used to test the hypothesis while statistical pacftage for social sciences (SPSS) was employed in cross tabulations between states, LGAs/towns and their frequencies. The study revealed that social entrepreneurship creates employment. The research findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between social entrepreneurship and wealth creation. The result of the findings also indicated that there are factors that play crucial role in the development of social entrepreneurship such as employment, social concern, and skills acquisition/empowerment.
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In-Text Citation: (Uchehara, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Uchehara, F. O. (2019). The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship on Wealth Creation in Nigeria: A Case Study of Selected Non-For-Profit Organizations (NPOS). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 915–938.