International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Opportunities to Enhance Homestay Operators’ Value Chain in Bario

Open access

Raja Ahmad Iskandar Bin Raja Yaacob, Abdul Mutalib Bin Embong, Hezlina Mohd Hashim, Aizat Akmal Bin A. Mohamad Beddelee, Nigel Nicholas Spykerman, Riska Isnarti

Pages 1267-1277 Received: 02 Dec, 2019 Revised: 11 Jan, 2019 Published Online: 27 Feb, 2019
Tourism in Malaysia is a contributing factor in the Government’s Economic Transformation Programme. Led by Dato' Sri Idris Jala, the chief executive officer of the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), part of this aim is to grow and nourish the tourism industry in Malaysia, including Sarawak. This paper leverages a chain concept to dissect the areas of enhancement opportunities for homestay operators in Bario. The quantitative research method is used determine the current expectation and satisfaction levels of tourists in Bario based on several tourism dimensions including homestay operators’ services. A survey with mainly closed ended questions was developed and distributed. 235 legible and valid responses were received. Respondents provided data of why they visited the Kelabit Highlands through a Likert scale driven questionnaire. The results from hypotheses testing were fully accepted after detailed analysis and testing. The study revealed a strong correlation between tourist expectations and satisfaction. The fulcrum which stands between tourists and their satisfaction levels predominantly lies in the influence of homestay operators. As it stands, the homestay operators’ role is a very important aspect n tourism delivery. Homestay operators are poised as an added catalyst for socio economic development for Bario and its community.
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In-Text Citation: (Yaacob et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Yaacob, R. A. I. B. R., Embong, A. M. Bin, Hashim, H. M., Beddelee, A. A. B. A. M., Spykerman, N. N., & Isnarti, R. (2019). Opportunities to Enhance Homestay Operators’ Value Chain in Bario. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 1267–1277.