International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Applying the Main Concepts of Islamic Psychology to Islamic Counseling

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The aim of this paper is to discuss on the application of the main concepts of Islamic Psychology in the practice of Islamic Counselling. In order to reach that aim, the authors will highlight the main concepts in Islamic Psychology as to show how it is different from the conventional psychology. The concept of human nature and our goal in life will be elaborated in view of developing the personality of the Muslim Counsellors and their clients. The compatibility between the personality of the counsellor and his clients is important in ensuring the existence of congruency. Congruency is required to be one of the counsellor’s characteristics in which the counsellor acts as a role model. Being a role model, he is needed to to be as real, transparent and genuine so as to provide the clients with the necessary strength and willingness to engage in honest and accurate self-exploration. Thus, it is vital for the Muslim counsellors to have the knowledge and understanding in the area of Islamic Psychology and be able to apply them in developing the spiritual inner self of the counsellors as well as in their clients.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman & Mohamad, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Othman, N., & Mohamad, K. ‘Azmi. (2019). Applying the Main Concepts of Islamic Psychology to Islamic Counseling. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 383–393.