International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Critical Factors towards the Charismatic Leadership Effectiveness in National Defense University of Malaysia

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The characteristic of charismatic leadership is very important to be absorbed by the students when they are in university because it can produce quality leaders in the future. The elements of building and understanding for the existence of charismatic leader’s attitude are influenced by various factors, either internally or externally. However, the literature review revealed that there is less research focusing on the factors of intellectual and emotion of future leaders, especially among the university students. Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of emotion, spiritual and intellectual factors among students towards the formation of charismatic leader in National Defense University of Malaysia. This study is based on quantitative and qualitative methods that involved respondents who were selected through purposive and random sampling techniques. It was found that all the factors have significant relationships with the effectiveness of charismatic leadership among university students. In conclusion, those factors have given a positive impact in ensuring the sustainability for the formation of effective leaders in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamed, Mohamad, & Sarkam, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mohamed, H. H. A.-B., Mohamad, M. H., & Sarkam, M. K. A. M. (2019). The Critical Factors towards the Charismatic Leadership Effectiveness in National Defence University of Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1344–1352.