International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Primary School’s Psychoeducational Cognitive Behavior Module as A Preliminary Prevention Strategies for Problematic Behavior

Open access

Mohammad Nasir Bistamam, Nor Hafifah Abdullah, Samsiah Mohammad Jais, Muhammad Bazlan Mustafa, Pau Kee

Pages 103-113 Received: 22 Mar, 2019 Revised: 17 Apr, 2019 Published Online: 13 May, 2019
The aim of this experimental study is to determine the effect of early psychoeducational intervention process through Primary School’s Psychoeducational Cognitive Behavior Module (MPpKTSR) on psychological aspects (resilience, motivation, depression and coping skills). First phase of this study involved 160 participants who have Marker System characteristics. While second phase involved 80 subject (40 males; 40 females) who had been chosen from the result of the first phase based on few criteria (low level of resilience, motivation and coping skill; high level of depression). These criteria were measure through Instrumen Remaja Berisiko Sekolah Rendah (IRBSR). They were divided into two group (treatment and control group). Through ANCOVA analysis that have been conducted, MPpKTSR have positive impact where this module effectively increases the level of resilience, motivation and coping skill, and reduce depression level among subject in treatment group (male and female). As the conclusion, an early intervention as a way to overcome problematic issues among primary school students is recommended.
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In-Text Citation: (Bistamam, Abdullah, Jais, Mustafa, & Kee, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Bistamam, M. N., Abdullah, N. H., Jais, S. M., Mustafa, M. B., & Kee, P. (2019). Primary School’s Psychoeducational Cognitive Behavior Module as A Preliminary Prevention Strategies for Problematic Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 103–113.