International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Contemporaneous and Local Influence in Kitab Al- Kifayah: Chapters on Purification and Halal Food

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Kitab al-Kifayah by Sheikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah is an important fiqh (Islamic law) book written in the 18th century using the old Jawi script. His sincere endeavor to disseminate knowledge to the locals via this book has endeared him as one of the great pioneers of Jawi-based kitabs in the Malay Peninsula. His books put particular emphasis on the basics of aqidah (Islamic belief) and fiqh that managed to fill the gaps in Islamic references, especially in Jawi-Malay. More importantly, Sheikh Abdul Malik uses local, contemporaneous examples that range from local customs, culture, economic conditions, and local habitat to further elucidate his point. Inadvertently, by doing so, he has managed to solve any underlying issues that affect the daily life of the locals. Hence, this qualitative study aims to identify what are the types of influences that he took into account in Kitab al-Kif?yah. To achieve the said objective, the authors opt for document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The authors, among other things, found many instances where Sheikh Abdul Malik uses local examples after reaching his deductions (fatwa). It is especially true for fiqh-related issues. For instance, while elaborating on the subject of abluent water that changes color, smell, and taste after some interaction with other substances. The findings also highlighted the practicalities of the local scholars in not merely directly translating significant works from the Middle East, and it also goes to show their deep understanding of the local needs, culture, and its entailing complexities and sensitivities.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusoff & Ali, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Yusoff, Z. M., & Ali, A. K. (2019). The Contemporaneous and Local Influence in Kitab Al- Kifayah: Chapters on Purification and Halal Food. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(4), 68–78.