International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Evaluation of Factors affected the Success of Iranian Wrestling Team in the 2012 London Olympic Games (Perspectives of Professionals and Athletes)

Open access
This study aimed to investigate the factors affected the success of Iranian wrestling team in the 2012 London Olympic Games from the perspective of professionals and athletes. The population consisted of 131 experts and athletes. This study was an applied -descriptive survey; data were collected by field method and library. A researcher made questionnaire was used to collect data; after confirming its validity and reliability, it was distributed among the subjects. The questionnaire examined many factors such as physical factors, facility factors, psychological factors, and management factors. The descriptive statistics was used for analyzing data. The U Mann-Whitney was used for determining the opinion frequency of athletes and experts; the Friedman test was used to rank them. The U Mann-Whitney evaluated the role of psychological factors, facility factors, psychological factors, and management factors in the success of Iranian wrestling team from the perspective of professionals and athletes; the results showed that the mean of two groups was not significant at the level of 0.05%. According to Friedman test, the facility factors, physiological factors, psychological factors, and management factors were ranked from first to fourth, respectively.