International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Findings of HM-Study Skills Review Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Small Group among High School Students in Malaysia

Open access
This study aims to examine the findings of the HM Learning-Skills Module findings based on the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach on Learning Skills in the Student Circle. This study is an experimental study. The study was conducted in two secondary schools in the district of Kuala Kangsar, Malaysia. A total of 60 respondents were involved in this study, 30 respondents in three smaller groups were divided equally (n1 = 10, n2 = 10 and n3 = 10) in the treatment groups and the rest (n = 30) involved in the control group. The Lesson Skills Study Group subjects follow the 10 session of the weekly HM Study Skills Module which focuses on the seven subscales of the study available in HM-learning skills, Self-Motivation, Self-Management and Time, listening skills, Mastering the Vocabulary, note-taking skills, learning skills from textbooks, and Examination Skills. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, MANOVA at significance level p <0.05 (significant at 95% level). The results of the study shows that there is no significant correlation between all the null hypotheses and this means that all the null hypotheses are accepted in this study. The HM-Learning Skills Module has implications for the field of Guidance and Counseling, the practice of Guidance and Counseling in schools and the study of Experienced Learning Experience models in transforming and enhancing student behavior towards enhancing the level of learning skills as well as suitable for future use. In conclusion, the findings show that the HM Learning-Skills module is effective in improving the learning skills as well as of the subject. The findings also found that the Learning Skills Small Group Study had an impact on the improvement of students in the learning skills.
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In-Text Citation:(Fuad, Arip, & Sa’ad, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Fuad, R. A., Arip, M. A. S. M., & Sa’ad, F. (2019). The Findings of HM-Study Skills Review Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Small Group among High School Students in Malaysia. International Journal Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1422 –1436