International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurial Intentions among Italian Students: The Role of Gender

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There is general agreement that personality factors are determinant elements for university students to decide an entrepreneurial career. This empirical study aims at assessing what behavioral aspects impact on the intentions of students, using a sample of 347 Italian undergraduates and the trait model as theoretical framework. Furthermore, we want to explore personality differences among female and male students, comparing their intentions towards an entrepreneurial career. Thus, we are motivated to explore the relationship between personal traits, gender and entrepreneurial intentions, using a mixed method. This paper provides a new model that helps to understand the students’ entrepreneurial intentions by adding the gender role. The findings revealed that some personality traits affect Italian undergraduates in engaging an entrepreneurial activity. Our study concluded that men tend to have higher self-confidence than women and this may affect their entrepreneurial intentions. Hence, our results suggested that more in-depth analysis concerning the female entrepreneurship should be put in place.
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In-Text Citation: (Serino & Buccino, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Serino, L., & Buccino, G. (2019). Entrepreneurial Intentions among Italian Students: The Role of Gender. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1309–1326.