International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Influence of Performance Management Systems on Employee Productivity in County Referral Hospitals of Kiambu County

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This was a descriptive cross-sectional study on the influence of performance management system on employee productivity in county referral hospitals of Kiambu County. Aspects that were investigated included planning, appraisal, feedback, and reward. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to get three hundred and ten respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire and Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 was used to describe data and determine the extent of the relationships. All the four variables had a significant and positive influence on employee productivity. That is, planning (r =.544**, P =.000); appraisal (r = .641**, P= .000); feedback (r = .700**, P.000) and finally reward(r =.673**P =.000).Regression analysis indicated that planning (?1 = .130, P = .159) and appraisal (?2 = .129, P =.203), were statistically insignificant in predicting employee productivity. However, feedback (?3 = .302, P =.002), and reward (?4 = .387, P = .000) were the strongest predictors of employee productivity when all the four variables were combined. Recommendations included setting of clear, realistic goals as a team, having regular review discussions on performance with employees, providing regular constructive feedback and reward system should be linked to the results of the appraisal which is just and fair.
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In-Text Citation (Owino, Oluoch, & Kimemia, 2019)
To Cite this Article Owino, C. A., Oluoch, M., & Kimemia, F. (2019). Influence of Performance Management Systems on Employee Productivity in County Referral Hospitals of Kiambu County. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1309–1336.