International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Implementation of Scenography Elements in the Production of’ Creative Arts among Upper Secondary Students through Theatrical Production in the Malaysia Arts School of Johor

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The implementation of scenography in the creation of artistic and creative works are in correlation are also important components in theatrical process of a theatre production. This is because components of scenography puts together elements of visual design and creative ideas in abstract, realistic and experimental forms based on the concepts and themes of the manuscripts that will be staged. The study therefore demonstrates the role of scenography in producing a theater production at the Malaysian Art School of Johor which is effective with the application of teaching and learning patterns that focus on building creative and innovative thinking skills through exploration activities to enhance the ability to create and produce quality ideas. The results of this study show the significance of scenography exploration through appropriate approaches to ensure the understanding of the processing of the scenography element amongst instructors and students in the early stages of the arts science, basic principles of design and technical skills in a theater production.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah, Saerani, & Sikandar, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, Z., Saerani, M. F. T., & Sikandar, S. A. (2019). Implementation of Scenography Elements in the Production of’ Creative Arts among Upper Secondary Students through Theatrical Production in the Malaysia Arts School of Johor. International Journal Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 1280–1286.